Latest news & event of our Organization.
Bonanza la Vijana wa U13 na U20 Duga Maforoni
Bonanza la kuvutia lililoshirikisha jumla ya timu sita – mbili za U13 na nne za U20 – limefanyika katika viwanja vya Duga Maforoni. Bonanza hili ni sehemu ya mradi wa pamoja kati ya CHRISC TANZANIA na YPM, likilenga kuwaandaa wataalamu wa michezo, hasa mpira wa miguu. Tayari hatua mbalimbali zimefanyika,
Read MoreFainali ya Stop Poverty Cup Mkinga 2024
Timu ya Moa Stars imetawazwa kuwa mabingwa wa Stop Poverty Cup 2024 baada ya ushindi wa mabao 3-0 dhidi ya Kijiru Stars Mashindano ya mwaka huu yaliendeshwa kwa kauli mbiu ya “4, 4, 2”, ikisisitiza umuhimu wa mikopo inayotolewa na serikali kupitia Halmashauri kwa WANAWAKE, VIJANA, na WALEMAVU. Lengo kuu
Read MoreMradi wa Miti na Elimu ya Mazingira kwa Vijana
Mradi wa miti unaosimamiwa na vijana katika eneo la Kanisa la Lutherani umepiga hatua kubwa, licha ya changamoto ya ukame na uhitaji wa mbegu zaidi lakini vijana wameonyesha juhudi kubwa. Meneja wa YPM Bw. Peter Jally amewashauri kuongeza uzito katika upandaji wa miti ya matunda, miti ya mbao, na hata
YPM focuses on providing knowledge, skills and empowerment to Youth, women and the community on issues of:
Our Activities
Currently, the organization has the following activities, which are:
Right based services
More focus in assisting and empowering community for accessing service rights such as health and education.
Climate & Environmental Care
It is a cross cutting program – integrated in all programs of the organization. Under this program we do have the ICT Solar Kiosk- as a center for supporting Youth creativity.
Democratic Citizenship
This is targeting on education (Civic Education and PETS --- Public Expenditure Tracking Systems), advocacy, lobbying and awareness creation to the community. The S2C is specifically taken in schools and colleges to raise awareness and consciousness of youths.
Sport for Development
Various sports and arts performances- it is a cross cutting program
The organization conducts a couple o training ranging from Economic empowerment, advocacy and arts to enable citizens to be true active agents of change.
Business Incubation
Aimed at offering information on businesses development at different stages through establishment of business incubation centers. Young people may also get training and knowledge on how to establish and manage new businesses.
Subjects to Citizens
S2C is a program launched by the African alliance of YMCA. Noticing that many young Africans were excluded from decision making processes and misused by politicians boosting their own agenda, the African alliance raised the issue of how to turn “subjects” into “citizens”.
Cultural & Arts Groups
Youth Peace Makers initiated cultural & arts groups for the youth who are in formal education and informal education to help them to advocate the challenges that faces the society through drama, traditional dances and songs.
Learning Centers
Learning is a life long journey. Learning skills is a different avenue that imparts exceptional and important knowledge to the learner for achieving certain objectives in life. Youth Peacemakers has engaged youths in skills training at different centers.
Staff members of Youth Peace Makers

Hours of Operation
Operated from Monday to Friday
From 8:30am-5:00pm
Lunch Break from 1:00pm-2:00pm
This applies to all working days with exception to public holidays.