IASYM in Afria Conference University of Lusaka Zambia: 6-8 September 2018

The 2018 African regional conference of the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry will be held at the Justo Mwale University in Lusaka, Zambia.

Academics and practitioners in Youth Ministry seize the opportunity to share and discuss the current issues and challenges that the youth in Africa are facing. With the migration of youth to Europe and the East, the changing culture and technology, social media and climate changes have an immense influence on the youth in Africa to which the Church cannot cast a blind eye. There is also on the other hand much that African youth can contribute to the rest of the world.

For Whom?
We want to bring together people who are currently involved with youth ministry research projects:

people teaching youth ministry,
masters and PhD students and students who plan on getting involved in the study-field in the future,
people who are involved in youth ministry, in church, institutions and organizations as well as
colleagues in related fields of study like Sociology, Psychology and others.

We hereby invite you to submit a proposal (in the form of a 350 word abstract) from your context and from your research base – be that theological, historical, philosophical, quantitative, and qualitative or other research traditions.We really want to respect the interdisciplinary nature of our ministry. Add a short biography.

When you consider submitting an abstract, you may want to consider one of the following subthemes:

Youth, theology and disability
Agency of youth in Africa
HIV and Aids and youth in Africa
Church silence on youth risk behaviour – substance abuse
Implications of African culture on the church – sex and sexuality; morality; ethics
Child and youth Trafficking and abuse – connection to poverty?
Immigration and migration among African youth: opportunities and challenges
Islamic radicalization among young men and the need for apologetics in youth ministry

Please send your submission no later than 28 February, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to authors by the end of April 2018 so that presenters have ample time to prepare for the – conference. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your work and receive valuable feedback from colleagues and stimulate the thinking of others in the field.

Please submit proposals to:
Nene Muthuri (Secretary) nenemuthuri@gmail.com
Willem Semmelink willem@sats.edu.za


