Through the VICOBA project many young people self-employed and run their families have been seen in a visit to Sunnfjord students in the village of Msongolo

Sunnfjord Folkhoghskole is the school in Forde that is accommodating a number of youths all over Norway for the One year program in Development Issues, Sports and Talent Development. One of the line is the Youth Peacemakers Movement. Among the year plans is to visit the partners and see the support to Development in their local communities.
On January 16 2018, YPM received a group of 11 students and one leader from Norway Sunnfjord FHS who came to Tanzania with a view of exchange and sharing on culture, Tourism and support to Development projects under YPM.
After arriving these visitors had the opportunity to relax in Dar es Salaam and on 18 they arrived in Lushoto. After reaching Lushoto they had the opportunity to visit the Irente Institutions where they get to see the charity work done by the ELCT-NED through the Blind school and Children’s Home (Orphanage).
In addition the visitors did hiking to Mkuzi waterfalls and ride the bicycles to and from Mkuzi. On 01st. February they had the opportunity to visit VICOBA groups at the Msongolo Village in Bumbuli Council where they learned how the community benefited from this project through saving money and taking loans. They also visited the members’ projects and were more delighted to see the 24-year-old young man Stephen Richard’s house. His house which is the outcome of his investment and loans from VICOBA has four bedrooms, a storeroom and a sitting room; he is still continuing with the construction. Afterwards the team visited a field of tomatoes that is also the product of VICOBA member.
For Tanzanians, employment is a major challenge but through this project we see how young people are self-employed and act as a model for some young people to stop complaining about the needy and instead to start fighting poverty by joining existing