
This Friday Shambalai Secondary School had a Debate with Mombo Secondary School on the topic ” Science and Techonology have brought more harm than good in third world countries”

We are happy that young people had managed to argue and share their thoughts about the topic.

International Celebration of Women’s Day

Maazimisho ya siku ya wanawake duniani.

Kila tarehe 8 ya mwezi Machi dunia inasheherekea siku ya wanawake duniani. Katika ngazi ya Wilaya YPM imeungana na maasifa wa serikali wakiongozwa na mgeni rasmi ambae ni Mkuu wa Wilaya Lushoto Mheshimiwa Karisti Lazaro, Mkurgenzi mtendanji mheshimiwa Ikupa Mwaisyoge pamoja na maafisa wengine. Maadhimisho hayo yalikua na kaulimbiu isemayo ”Usawa wa kijinsia wa leo,kesho na endelevu”.Sio hivyo tu bali wanachi na wanafunzi walijitokeza kwa wingi kusheherekea siku hiyo.

World Women’s Day celebrations.

Every March 8th the world celebrates International Women’s Day. At the district level YPM is joined by government officials led by the official guest who is Lushoto District Commissioner Hon. Karisti Lazaro, Executive Director Hon. Ikupa Mwaisyoge and other officials. The theme of commemoration was “Gender equality today, tomorrow and sustainability”. Not only that but citizens and students turned out in large numbers to celebrate the day.

Young Person who managed to save the World

Young Person who managed to save the world.

It is from YPM Peace Club to the Environment Champion.

Meet Leonard Antony Msumari who completed his O-level studies in 2021 at Prince Claus Secondary School in Lushoto district. Leonard is 19 years old and lives with his parents in the village of Irente which is about two and a half miles from where he lives. When he started his studies in 2018 he joined the YPM Peace club which has been established by the YPM Tanzania Organisation for the purpose of mobilizing young people on environmental stewardship. While working with the YPM Peace club, Mr. Antony expressed admiration for the way the club grew up caring for the environment by organizing tree nurseries and planting trees. Leonard not only actively participated in the club activities and showed his ability and high motivation in the club, but also took the distributed trees and planted them in their fields. However, Mr. Antony became more interested in setting up a nursery at his home place. Speaking to YPM staff, Mr. Antony said that he has so far sold 36000 trees to the community members and planted a total of 1500 trees from last year to now. YPM staff are pleased to see young people actively involved in liberating the world and find the solution for tackling the issue of climate change. Congratulations to Mr. Leonard Antony on this milestone and we are behind him to support him in this movement. Our call to the youth is to support the efforts of rescuing the world from the challenges which are being brought by climate change.

Kijana aliefanikiwa kuikoa dunia.

Ni kutoka YPM klabu ya Amani mpaka mpigania haki za mazingira.

Kutana na Leonarld Antony Msumari ambae ni  ni mwanafunzi aliehitimu masomo yake ya kidato cha nne mwaka 2021 katika  Shule ya Secondari Prince Claus Hapa wilayani Lushoto. Leonard ana umri wa mika 19 na anaishi na wazazi wake katika kijiji cha Irente ambapo ni kilometa takribani mbili na nusu kutoka nyumbani anapoishi. Wakati alipoaanza masomo yake mwaka 2018 alijiunga na YPM Peace club ambayo imeanzishwa na taasissi ya YPM Tanzania kwa lego la kuwahamasisha vijana juu ya utunzaji wa mazingira. Alipokua kwenye YPM Peace club ndugu Leonard alionyesha kufurahishwa na jinsi club hiyo ilivyokua inatunza mazingira kwa kuandaa vitalu vya miti na kupanda miti. Leonard alishiriki kikamilifu lakini pia hakuishia kuonyesha uwezo wake na hamasa ya juu shuleni tu, bali alichukua miti waliogaiwa nakuipanda kwenye mashamba yao. Hata hivyo ndugu Leonard alivutiwa zaidi na akaanzisha kitalu cha miti nyumbani kwao. Akizungumza na wafanyakazi wa YPM ndugu antony amesema kwamba mpaka sasa ameuza miti 36,000 na amepanda jumla ya miti 1500 toka mwaka jana hadi sasa. Uongozi wa YPM umefurahishwa sana kuona vijana wanashiriki kikamilifu katika kuiokoa dunia na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa. Tunampongeza sana ndugu Leonard kwa hatua hii aliofikia nakwamba tupo nyuma yake kumuunga mkono katika harakati hizi.Wito wetu kwa vijana nikuwaomba kuunga jitihanda zinazofanywa na dunia ilikuiokoa kutoka kwenye janga la mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.