Today was a great day where we were able to talk about S2C,SDGs raise awareness to stop Early marriage and Pregnancies with Kitala secondary peace club here at Lushoto Tanga.
We are looking forward for more interesting and engaging sessions.
Leo Tumepata nafasi ya kuzungunmza na vijana wetu wa klabu ya amani ya shule ya sekondari Kitala hapa wilayani Lishoto. Tumekua na mazungumzo mazuri juu ya malengo endelevu ya dunia, elimu ya kujitambua na kukuza uwelewa juu ya kutokomeza ndoa na mimba za utotoni.
Tulipata nafasi nzuri ya kukutana na vijana wetu wa klabu ya amani ya YPM katika shule ya sekondari Ubiri. Ilikua ni furaha kuona vijana wanaendelea vyema na shughuli zao za kitaaluma pamoja na kupambana kwaaili ya kudumisha haki na amani katika shule na jamii zao. Kati ya mambo muhimu yaliozungumzwa ni juu ya malengo endelevu ya dunia (SDGs) na kuona ni jinsi gani vijana hao wanaweza kuyafanyia kazi katika shule yao na jamii inayowazunguka.
Sambamba na hilo, wataalamu kutoka YPM walikuza uelewa wa vijana kuhusu ndoa na mimba za utotoni, na kuwaelimisha vijana hao jinsi ya kupinga na kutokomeza ndoa na mimba za utotoni. Vijana hao waliaswa kwamba, wananafasi kubwa ya kuwasaidia waliokaribu nao na kuelimisha jamii kutokomeza vitendo hivyo ili kumpa nafasi mtoto wa kike kupata elimu.
Nimatumaini yetu kwamba, wadau mbalimbali watatuunga mkono katika jitihada hizi ili kuwawezesha vijana wetu kupata haki zao za msingi.
We had a great opportunity to meet YPM peace club members at Ubiri secondary School. It was a joy to see young people continue smoothly with their academic activities as well as to fight to maintain justice and peace in their school and communities.
Amongst the key issues discussed were the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and seeing how these young people can work to contribute on its implementation in their school and the community around them.
In parallel, experts from YPM raised young people’s awareness of early marriage and pregnancy, and educated them on how to oppose and eliminate early marriage and pregnancy. The young people were persuaded that they had a great opportunity to help those around them and to educate the community to eradicate such practices in order to give the girl a chance to get an education.
It is our hope that various stakeholders will support us in these efforts to enable our youth to access their basic rights.
YPM imeendesha semina iliyofanyika katika viwanja vya ofisi ya YPM hapa Lushoto. Semina hiyo ililenga kusaidia vijana kuongeza uelewa juu ya Maendeleo Endelevu ya Dunia. Vijana Arobaini (40) kutoka klub za amani za shule za sekondari za Shambalai na Ubiri walishiriki mafunzo hayo. Mafunzo haya yamelenga kuwajengea vijana uelewa zaidi juu ya Malengo endelevu ya dunia hususani zaidi ni lengo namba 13 ambalo linahusu maswala mazima ya utunzaji wa mazingira somo ambalo lilitolewa na kijana wa kujitolea ndugu.Tahona Godfrey. Somo la pili lilitolewa na Dkt Glory Kimario ambapo alifafanua juu ya lengo namba 5 usawa wa kijinsia na kusisitiza ni kwa jinsi gani vijana wa kike na wa kiume wanaweza kushiriki pamoja katika kuleta maendeleo. AKizungumza na vijana hao Meneja Miradi wa YPM Bwana Peter Jally aliwaasa vijana hao kushiriki kikamilifu katika kutekeleza malengo hayo ya dunia. Aidha, Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya YPM Mch. Godfrey Walalaze alipata wasaa wa Kuzungumza na vijana na kuwaeleza juu ya umuhimu wakunyambua kila lengo vizuri na kujua malengo madogomadogo yalioko kwenye kila lengo ili kurahisisha utekelezaji katika vikundi vyao vya amani mashuleni lakini pia hata katika jamii zao.
YPM inapenda kupongeza shule zote zilizoshiriki, walimu na washiriki wote kwa ujumla katika jitihada hizi endelevu za kujenga uelewa na kurahisisha utekelezaji wa Malengo Endelevu ili kuhakikisha hakuna anae achwa nyuma.
Sustainable Development Goals Seminar.
YPM conducted a seminar held at the YPM office grounds here in Lushoto. The seminar aimed at helping young people raise awareness about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Forty (40) young people from Shambalai and Ubiri peace schools’ clubs participated in the training. This training aims to build young people’s understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and in particular is goal number 13 which deals with the whole issue of environmental protection a session facilitated by a young volunteer Tahona Godfrey. The second session was delivered by Dr. Glory Kimario where she elaborated on goal number 5 gender equality and emphasized on how young women and men can participate together in bringing about development. Speaking to the youth, YPM Program Manager Mr. Peter Jally urged the youth to actively participate in the pursuit of these global goals. In addition, YPM Institute Director Rev. Godfrey Walalaze had the opportunity to talk to young people and explain to them the importance of tackling each goal well and knowing the sub-goals in each goal to facilitate implementation in their peace groups in schools but also in their communities.
YPM would like to appreciate and thanks all schools, teachers and all participants in this ongoing efforts to build awareness and facilitate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure that no one is left behind.
Leo vijana wa YPM pamoja na vijana wa mradi wa change wamepata nafasi ya kushiriki semina ya uchumi wa bluu na kujifunza kuhusu ufugaji wa samaki na fursa zilizopo kwenye ufugaji wa samaki nyumbani kwa kijana mjasiriamali ambae pia ni kijana wa kujitolea katika ofisi za YPM. Kijana Yasini Juma ameanzisha bwawa la samaki ambapo anafuga samaki aina ya sato.
Yasini aliwaeleza kuwa wazo la biashara ndio kitu kikubwa pamoja na kulitumikia wazo hilo ili kuleta matokeo chanya. Alizidi kusisitiza kwamba vijana wanapaswa kujiamini na kutilia maanani kile wanacho kifanya ili waweze kufanikiwa.
Blue economy seminar.
Today YPM youth as well as the youth of the change project have had the opportunity to hold a blue economy seminar to learn about fishing and the opportunities in the aquaculture industry, at home of a young entrepreneur who is also a volunteer in YPM offices. Yasini Juma has set up a fish pond where he raises sato fish. Yasini has explained to them that the idea of a business is a big thing as well as serving this idea to bring about positive results.
He further emphasized that young people should be confident and considerate of what they are doing in order to be successful.
Washiriki wa Mradi wa Change wakiwa na vijana wengine wakati wa mafunzo ya Elimu ya Afya na Makuzi ya vijana yaliongozwa na Mtaalamu wa Afya kutoka katika Hospitali ya Wilaya Hai (Boma) Dr. Glory Kimario ambae pia ni kijana wa kujitolea katika ofisi za Youth Peacemakers hapa Lushoto. Dhumuni la mafunzo hayo nikuwawezesha vijana kuongeza uwelewa juu ya afya zao na kujua jinsi gani wanaweza kukabiliana na changamoto za kifya ili pia waweze kuwasaidia wengine katika jamii zao kutatua changamoto hizo.
Change participants during the training
Taifa imara linategemea vijana hivyo imara kwa vijana ndio nguvu ya maendeleo.
Mafunzo ya Elimu ya Afya.
Participants during the training
Change Project Participants with other young people during the Health Education and Youth Growth Development training led by a Health Specialist from Hai District Hospital (Boma) Dr. Glory Kimario who is also a young volunteer at the Youth Peacemakers offices here in Lushoto. The purpose of the training is to enable young people to raise awareness about their health and to know how to cope with health challenges so that they can also help others in their community to solve these. challenges.
Dr. Glory Kimario facilitating
The power of a nation depends on the power of the young people.