Call for Proposal: Youth Peacemakers Tanzania Strategic Plan from 2024 – 2028

Youth Peacemakers Tanzania

Call for Proposal: Youth Peacemakers Tanzania Strategic Plan from 2024 – 2028

Youth Peacemakers Tanzania is seeking proposals from experienced Strategic Planners to provide their expertise and services to our organization. We are looking for a strategic partner who can contribute to the long-term growth and success of our organization through effective strategic planning.

About Youth Peacemakers Tanzania:

Youth Peacemakers (YPM) is a nonprofit organization limited by guarantee with registration number 110507 of August 12th, 2014. The organization operates in Tanga region, districts of Lushoto, Korogwe, Handeni, Tanga, and Mkinga. YPM has been awarded as the best NGO in 2022 within the whole of Lushoto District as per its impact, professional standards, and codes of conduct it applied.

The vision of YPM is to be the lead organization that values peace and justice for all. It intends to make all youths to be peacemakers in their day-to-day lives. It foresees communities where justice is upheld and equality prevails for the harmony and development of the world’s citizens. Our Motto is Stop Poverty. Poverty has been a great hurdle for the vast majority of the country. Through the programs that are run by YPM, it is envisaged to contribute to empowering and mobilizing Youths to take part in determining their future through critical engagement in community development and thus stopping poverty.


The objective of this proposal is to identify a qualified Strategic Planner who can collaborate with our organization to develop and implement a comprehensive strategic plan. The plan should align with our organizational goals and provide a roadmap for achieving success in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Scope of Work:

The selected Strategic Planner will be responsible for the following:

1. Conducting a thorough analysis of our organization, including an assessment of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).

2. Facilitating workshops and meetings with key stakeholders to gather input and insights on the strategic direction of the organization.

3. Performing an assessment of the organization’s strategic direction and institutional framework, analyze stakeholders, and evaluate the organizational structure and governance mechanisms.

4. Developing a comprehensive strategic plan that outlines clear goals, objectives, and strategies to guide our organization’s growth and success.

5. Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the progress and effectiveness of the strategic plan.

6. Providing guidance and recommendations on resource allocation and prioritization to ensure the successful implementation of the strategic plan.

7. Assisting in the development of communication materials to effectively communicate the strategic plan to internal and external stakeholders.

Proposal Submission:

Interested individuals or firms are requested to submit their proposals electronically to no later than 15th July 2023. Please include “Strategic Planning Application” in the subject line of the email. The proposal should include the following:

1. Cover letter briefly introducing the proposer and their relevant experience.

2. Executive summary outlining the proposed approach to strategic planning for our organization.

3. Detailed methodology and timeline for conducting the strategic planning process.

4. Proposed budget, including any fees and expenses associated with the project.

5. Relevant experience and qualifications of the proposer, including references from previous clients, if available.

6. Resume and any additional information or supporting documents that demonstrate the proposer’s capability to fulfill the scope of work.

Selection Process:

The selection of the Strategic Planner will be based on the evaluation of the proposals received. The evaluation criteria may include, but are not limited to, the following factors:

– Demonstrated experience and expertise in strategic planning for similar organizations.

– Comprehensive understanding of our industry and competitive landscape.

– Sound methodology and approach to strategic planning.

– Clarity and feasibility of the proposed timeline and budget.

– Strong communication and presentation skills.

– Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.

  • We reserve the right to request additional information or clarification from proposers, if necessary. Shortlisted proposers may also be invited for an interview or presentation to further evaluate their proposals.


All information provided in the proposal will be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of evaluating the proposals.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or clarification regarding this call for proposal, please contact us through

We look forward to receiving your proposals and partnering with a skilled Strategic Planner who can help shape the future success of our organization.


World Environmental Day

World Environment Day.

Every year on June 5, the world celebrates World Environment Day with a different slogan every year. The theme of the year 2023 was “Take care of the environment, save water sources for the well-being of living beings and the national economy”. YPM coordinated the celebration of this day on June 9 and was attended by an official guest who is the Chief Conservator of Magamba Natural Forest, Mr. Christoganus John Vyokuta.

This day is important for the country, Government and non-Government organizations, development stakeholders and everyone individually to be able to analyse and evaluate the state of our environment. The truth is that there has been a great destruction in our environment which has led to change in periods of rain, drought and increase in temperature.

In addition, the quality of the air we breathe has decreased as factories continue to pollute the environment by emitting smoke, but also the cutting of trees has caused hurricanes and dust to spread in the air along with many things that have an impact on the environment and our health.

This celebration included the planting of fruit trees in Lushoto Primary School and YPM Offices where the official guest, YPM Director, Representative of Lushoto District Commissioner, Representative of Lushoto Executive Director, YPM Programs Manager, Lushoto Ward Executive, College of Mabughai Community Development, Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto, together with students from Secondary and Primary schools here in Lushoto participated in the activity.

Speaking to the people who gathered that day, Mr. Vyokuta encouraged the youth to take care of the environment because it is our life, and the Director of YPM explained how the YPM organization has a great responsibility to mobilize the community on environmental care as well as eradicating poverty and bringing equality in society.

These celebrations were decorated and coloured with various lessons for young people on environmental care and self-aware health education as well as various games for teaching and fun.

In ensuring that the environment is properly maintained, the Conservationist Mr. Vyokuta conducted an exercise to distribute more than three hundred (300) trees to all the people who attended. The trees were provided through the office of the Chief Conservator of Magamba Forest.

The management of YPM would like to give sincere thanks to all those who attended and ask them to make good use of the knowledge they got as well as to manage the trees given and planted for the care of our environment.

Siku ya Mazingira Duniani.

Kila mwaka tarehe 5 Juni dunia husheherekea siku ya mazingira Duniani ikiambatana na kauli mbiu tofautitofauti kwa kila mwaka. Kaulimbiu ya mwaka 2023 ilikua “Tunza mazingira ,okoa vyanzo vya Maji kwa Ustawi wa Viumbe Hai na Uchumi wa Taifa”. YPM iliratibu maadhimisho ya siku hii tarehe 9 juni na kuhudhuriwa na mgeni rasmi ambae ni Mhifadhi mkuu wa Msitu wa asili Magamba Bw.Christoganus John Vyokuta.

Siku hii ni muhimu kwa nchi,mashirika ya Serikali na yasiyo ya Serikali , wadau wa maendeeleo pamoja na kila mtu mmoja mmoja kuweza kuchambua na kutathmini juu ya hali ya mazingira yetu. Ukweli nikwamba kumekua na uharibufu mkubwa katika mazingira yetu hali iliyopelekea kubadirika kwa vipindi vya mvua, ukame na ongezeko la joto.

Aidha ubora wa hewa tunayovuta umepungua kwani viwanda vinaendelea kuchafua mazingira kwa kutoa moshi, lakini pia ukataji wa miti umesababisha vimbunga  na vumbi kutanda angani pamoja na mambo mengi ambayo yanaleta athari katika mazingira na afya zetu.

Maadhimisho haya yalijumuisha tukio la upandaji wa miti ya matunda katika shule ya Msingi Lushoto na Ofisi za YPM ambapo Mgeni rasmi, Mkurungenzi wa YPM, Mwakilishi wa Mkuu wa wilaya Lushoto, Mwakilishi wa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Lushoto, Meneja Miradi wa YPM, Mtendaji kata Lushoto, Chuo cha  Maendeleo ya Jamii Mabughai, Chuo cha Uongozi wa Mhakama Lushoto, pamoja na wanafunzi kutoka shule za Sekondari na Msingi hapa Lushoto walishiriki zoezi hilo.

Akizungumza na watu waliokusanyika siku hiyo Mhifadhi Bw. Vyokuta aliwaasa vijana kutunza mazingira maana ndio uhai wetu, naye Mkurugenzi wa YPM alielezea namna ambavyo shirika la YPM lina jukumu kubwa la kuhamasisha jamii juu ya utunzaji wa mazingira pamoja na kutokomeza umaskini na kuleta usawa katika jamii.

Maazimisho haya yalipambwa na masomo mbalimbali kwa vijana juu ya utunzaji wa mazingira na elimu ya afya ya kujitambua pamoja na michezo mbali mbali kwajili ya kufundisha na kufurahisha.

Katika kuhakikisha mazingira yanatunzwa ipasavyo, Mhifadhi Bw. Vyokuta aliendesha zoezi la ugawaji wa miti zaidi ya mia tatu (300) kwa watu wote waliohudhuria. Miti hiyo ilitolewa kupitia ofisi ya Mhifadhi mkuu wa Msitu wa Magamba.

Uongozi wa YPM unapenda kutoa shukrani za dhati kwa wote waliohudhuria na kuwaasa watumie vyema elimu walioipata pamoja na kusimamia miti iliyotolewa na iliyopandwa kwa utunzaji wa mazingira yetu. 

Social Audit

YPM kushirikiana na Taasisi ya Madeni na Maendeleo Tanzania TCDD(Tanzania Debt and Development) imeendesha mafunzo juu ya ukaguzi wa Kijamii kwa wananchi wa Kata ya Ngulwi. Baada ya mafunzo hayo wanachi wameunda kamati ambayo itahusika katika ufuatiliaji wa Mradi wa maji katika Kata hiyo unao simamiwa na RUWASA.

YPM in collaboration with the Tanzania Debt and Development (TCDD) has conducted training on Social Audit for the citizens of Ngulwi Ward. After the training, the citizens have formed a committee that will be involved in the Auditing of the Water Project in the Ward. The project is being implemented by Tanzania government through RUWASA.

Kamati ya Ukaguzi jamii kwenye picha ya pamoja na wafanya kazi wa YPM pamoja na mheshimiwa Diwani wa Kata ya ngulwi alievaa miwani Mh. Edwin Shunda.

World Environmental Day

Every June 5, the world commemorates Environment Day under theme of “Solutions to plastic pollution” Youth can help with trash reduction by paying attention to the little things in their daily lives, such as avoiding bringing extra plastic bags when they go shopping, as pollution control is the first step in protecting the environment. Actually, there are a lot more suggestions for a greener world. Your responsibility to safeguard the environment By recycling, reusing, and composting, choosing more eco-friendly transportation methods, lowering your power usage, shopping locally, supporting environmental charities, and avoiding hazardous chemicals, you can help safeguard the environment. Individual contributions can start to make an impact, and others will join in later by participating in advocacy and teamwork.You can start making a difference with individual contributions; others will come later through advocacy and teamwork. Our environment is our future.

WED2023 #COP27 #JUNE5 #youthforClimateChange