This Terms of Reference (ToR) provides the framework for the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Norad-funded Program titled ‘Together building global justice and peace’ (Agreement number GLO-3778 QZA-20/0112). The Program was initiated in April 2020 and is due to end in December 2023. This MTR is taking place after 21 months of implementation.


The MTR is being undertaken as part of the contract agreement with Norad signed in April 2020 (clause 9.1 in the Norad agreement). It will assess programmatic progress and challenges at the outcome level, with measurement of the output level achievements and gaps and how/to what extent these have affected outcome-level progress in accordance with the approved results framework. A major focus will be on youth participation and engagement at policy level. Another emphasis will be on contribution of the program results towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as program adaptability to the COVID-19 pandemic. The MTR will document results achieved in Tanzania. It will contribute to results-based management through a participatory approach that documents results achieved, challenges to progress, and contributions to the creation of a more conducive environment for addressing needs of the target groups. The MTR will be commissioned to an external consultant with support from YGlobal and its partner in Tanzania.


The MTR will mainly focus on Relevance (including youth participation and SDGs) as well as Effectiveness of the program implementation during April 2020 to December 2021 and will assess such delivery at the output and outcome levels, taking into account factors both internal and external to the project’s performance. The MTR team will:

  • Analyze the relevance of the programmatic strategy and approaches, particularly in the context of COVID-19.
  • Determine if the Program is on track to achieve anticipated outcomes. This will be done based on the changes and adaptations in relation to the COVID-19 related implications.
  • Analyze the engagement of young people in local, national and international policy advocacy, with an emphasis on analyzing youth empowerment.
  • Based on the performance of the Program to date and the current socio-political and economic as well as COVID-19 context, document lessons learned and recommend any necessary mid-term adjustments needed to meet expected and realistic project outcomes and impact and enhance sustainability. Moreover, also make recommendations for future programming.


The overall goal of the Program is to empower youth to actively participate in promoting justice and peace towards ending poverty. The Program focuses on four interconnected thematic areas that strengthen and complement each other and are also aligned with the UNSDGs: Gender Equality, Climate Action, Justice and Peace and Reduced Inequalities. Each thematic area has long-, medium- and short-term outcomes, which are also referred to macro (policy level), meso (community level) and micro (individual/household level) levels.

Impact: Empowered youth actively participate in building justice and peace

Macro: Youth are engaged in policy advocacy and decision making

Meso: Youth create change in the community

Micro: Youth have coping mechanisms to address individual and social challenges

Budget per year (approximate): 8.8 million NOK

Brief information about the partners in focus:

YGlobal (KFUK-KFUM Global) is a youth focused development and solidarity organization closely connected to its two owner-organizations, KFUK-KFUM Norge and KFUK-KFUM Scouts. YGlobal consists of a highly qualified and multinational staff of about 17, mainly young staff. The staff has extensive experience working with and for youth in advocating for and realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, YGlobal has expertise in financial and results-based management, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.

YGlobal’s funding comes from Norad, Norec, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BUFDIR, Operasjon Dagsverk and through own fundraising, and currently collaborates with partners in Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Madagascar, and South Africa. YGlobal is closely connected with the global YWCA/YMCA-networks, which are found in over 140 countries and reach about 70 million children, youth and women across the globe. Most of YGlobal’s work abroad is through local YMCAs or YWCAs.

Youth Peacemaker Tanzania: YPM is a youth-oriented organization, which provides space for interreligious, intergenerational, international, and interracial platforms to all members in its areas of work. The organization empowers youth in building strong communities that can stand for peace and justice by demanding basic social rights for fighting poverty in Tanzania. Since its inception in 2014, YGlobal has worked in close partnership with YPM on thematic areas of: Economic justice with an emphasis on forming saving and investment groups, social audits, business development and entrepreneurship; Democratic Rights focusing on Subject to Citizen (S2C) as a tool for empowering youth to gear advocacy campaigns as well as for engaging them in policy advocacy and decision making; and Environmental Protection and Climate Change stressing on creating climate clubs, tree plantation, encouraging green businesses and raising youth concerns in both local and international platforms on the topic.

Intended users and uses of the evaluation:

The partners in this program are the main user of this review, for documentation of results and for learning for further program development. Norad and other Norad partners can also be users of the evaluation. Other donors may also find the MTR useful, such as Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. YGlobal will use the lessons learnt and recommendations made in the MTR report to draft its future applications to Norad and other donors.

Approach and Methodology

A variety of methods will be used in the MTR. The MTR will consist of a desk review, visit to the program locations, in-depth interviews with partner’s staff, and in-depth interviews with their respective key stakeholders and participants (particularly young people).

Travel restrictions and other COVID-19 restrictions may limit the possibility of travelling. Under such circumstances, alternative ways of performing the evaluation will be sought, such as doing data collection and interviews using digital communication technology or using a network of consultants.

Mid Term Review Consultancy Budget

Interested applicants must put together a cost-efficient budget which reflects realistic costs, including consultancy fees, possible travel costs and other costs related to the elaboration of the report. The estimated budget for MTR in Tanzania is 40,000 NOK.

Profile of the MTR consultant / review team


  • The reviewer(s) should have extensive and proven experience in carrying out evaluations of international development projects, programs and organizations including with a strong focus on participatory methods. If the evaluation is performed by a team, the team should have one team leader who holds the overall responsibility and is main point of contact.
  • The reviewer(s) should have background in relevant fields, such as social science, international relations, human rights, psychosocial support, etc, and hold university degrees.
  • Excellent analysis (both qualitative and quantitative) and report writing skills.
  • Genuine understanding of civil society engagement, organizational development and advocacy.
  • Good knowledge and experience on the UNSDGs, particularly on these thematic areas: gender equality, climate action, reduced inequalities, justice and peace and inclusion.
  • Good knowledge of and experience from the region.
  • The MTR report will be a source of learning for the partners. The reviewer(s) should have experience with this type of communication.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to YGlobal’s principles and ethical guidelines.

The roles and responsibilities of YGlobal and partner organizations in facilitating the evaluation

YGlobal will make resources and documents available for the evaluation team:

  • Project descriptions (program application 2020-2023 including results framework and budgets, contract agreement between YGlobal and Norad as well as any other documents shared with Norad)
  • Mid Term Review Report 2018
  • Annual reports from YGlobal to Norad
  • Strategy of KFUK-KFUM Global 2020-2024
  • Strategy documents of partner organizations
  • Partner agreement contracts 2020 and 2021
  • Contact information for relevant persons in YGlobal and the other partner organizations

The focused partner organizations will be available for interviews and will provide contact information for relevant stakeholders: program youth participants, staff and volunteers. Other written material relevant to the program may also be provided by the partners. The MTR budget is part of Norad’s funding allocated for program follow up and M&E.

Deliverables/Reporting and dissemination requirements

Inception Report containing summary of understanding of the project with reference to initial information and research collected, a detailed work plan, final methodology with proposed review tools/instruments, limitations if any, responsible persons and timeframes.

Draft MTR Report with initial findings and recommendations.

Final MTR Report should not be longer than 15 pages (excluding the appendices, TOC and executive summary) and should incorporate the following:

  1. Table of contents.
  2. An executive summary that can be used as a document in its own right. It should include the major findings and summarizes conclusions and recommendations.
  3. The objectives of the review.
  4. The main research questions and derived sub-questions.
  5. A justification of the methods and techniques used and any bias or limitations of the review.
  6. A presentation of the findings and the analysis thereof, clearly indicating the evidence base and giving concrete examples of qualitative findings.
  7. Discussion of the findings and conclusions, which will analyse the various research questions.
  8. Recommendations should be clearly related to conclusions but presented separately.
  9. Recommendations should be practical and, if relevant, divided up for various actors and stakeholders.
  10. Report appendices should include: ToR, technique used (list of questions, methodology, sampling approach, etc.), list of abbreviations, list of documents and bibliography, composition of evaluation team (if there is a team).

Proposed timeline

26 AugYGlobal shared MTR TORs with Norad for approval.
27 OctNorad approves the TORs.
01 NovRelease of tender.
21 NovEvaluator’s deadline to hand in bid.
30 NovYGlobal communicates the decision on who to perform the evaluation and writes a contract with the evaluators.
07 DecOrientation meeting and discussion on evaluation plan with the evaluators
Dec 2021-mid Feb 2022Evaluators gather data in Tanzania and write report.
18 Feb 2022Evaluators deliver draft report to YGlobal.
24 FebA validation workshop (digital/physical) with relevant stakeholders may be considered as part of the feedback process.
18 MarYGlobal and partners give feedback to the draft report.
25 MarEvaluator delivers final report to YGlobal.
31 MarYGlobal shares the report with all partners and with Norad.

Bids submission information

Interested applicants must send a proposal for undertaking the evaluation to YGlobal, Grants Coordinator, Sadaf Wali Shah at sadaf@yglobal.no by 21st November 2021. Any questions can also be directed at this email address.

The application should contain:

  • Profile of the lead consultant(s) with traceable references and copies of/links to CVs and previous writing and published materials.
  • A layout and a breakdown of how the consultant(s) understand and plan carry out the assignment.
  • Professional fee quotation indicating envisaged actions, the requested fee for the work in the job description.
  • Motivation letter.

YPM Peace Clubs

YPM Peace ClubAfisa Mazingira na Utetezi wa YPM Bi. Lidya Wilson Mshemu akiambatan na vijana wanaojitolea ambao ni Ndug. Tahona Godfrey Walalaze na Ndug. Eric Daniel Godson wametembelea YPM Peace Clubs za Shule za Sekondary Price Claus, Lushoto, Ubiri pamoja na Shambalai kwaajili ya kuangalia maendeleo yao na kuona utekelezaji wa mikakati iliopangwa na Walimu walezi wa club hizo pamoja na YPM. Aidha, katika ziara hiyo Afisa Utetezi na Mazingira ameongea na wanafuzi juu ya suala zima la utunzaji wa mazingira yanayowazunguka ili kukabiliana na tatizo linaloikumba dunia ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.

YPM Peace ClubYPM Environment and Advocacy Officer Ms. Lidya Wilsoni Mshemu accompanied by young volunteers who are Ndug. Tahona Godfrey Walalaze with Ndug. Eric Daniel Godson visited the YPM Peace Clubs of Price Claus, Lushoto, Ubiri and Shambalai Secondary Schools to check on their progress and to see the implementation of the strategies planned by the club’s guardians and YPM. During the visit, the Advocacy and Environment Officer spoke to the students about the whole issue of caring for the environment around them to address the problem facing the world of climate change.

Stop Poverty Final

YPM imehitimisha mashindano ya Stop Poverty Cup Football League huko wilayani Mkinga mkoani Tanga. Mshindano haya yalipambwa na jumbe mbalimbali zikisomeka katika mabango na kuelezewa vizuri na Afisa michezo kwa maendeleo Bwana Francis Kamote. Moja ya jumbe ambazo zilisomeka kwenye mabango ni ujumbe wa kutokomeza ndoa za utotoni na mimba za utotoni ambapo ujumbe huu ulimgusa mgeni rasmi ambae alikua mwakilishi wa Mkuu wa Wilaya pamoja na Mkurugenzi wa halimashauri ya wilaya Mkinga.

Akizungunza baada ya kupewa kipaza sauti aliishukuru taasisi ya YPM kwakunzaisha mpango mzuri wa kushirikiana na jamii ya watu wa Mkinga ili kutokomeza umasikini pamoja na changamoto za ndoa za utotoni na mimba za utotoni. Aidha, aliendelea kwa kukiri kwamba changamoto hii ya mimba za utotoni na ndoa za utotoni bado inaendelea kupasua vichwa vya serikali ya Mkinga na watu wenye nia njema yakutokomeza vitendo hivyo na kwamba anaunga mkono juhudi hizi ili kuhakikisha watoto wanapata haki yao ya kupata elimu.

Baada ya hayo Meneja miradi wa YPM Bwana Peter Jally aliwahakikishia wananchi kwamba taasisi itaendeleza ushirikiano na jamii na serikali kuhakikisha vitendo kama hivyo vinatokomezwa.

YPM has concluded the Stop Poverty Cup Football League tournament at Mkinga district in Tanga region. The competition was adorned with various messages being read on the posters and well explained by the Sports for Development Officer Mr. Francis Kamote.

One of the messages that was read on the posters was a message on the eradication of Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy where the message touched the guest of honor who was a representative of the District Commissioner as well as the Executive Director of Mkinga District Council. Speaking after receiving the microphone, he thanked YPM for developing a good program to work with the Mkinga community to eradicate poverty as well as the challenges of Child Marriage and Early pregnancy.

In addition, he went on to acknowledge that the challenge of Early Pregnancy and Child Marriage still continues to blow the heads of the Mkinga government and people with good intention to eradicate such practices and that he supports these efforts to ensure children get their right to education. After that YPM Program Manager Mr. Peter Jally assured the public that the organisation will continue to work with the community and the government to ensure that such acts are eradicated.

SIGs follow-up and Training

Mnamo mwezi wa Tisa 09 na 10 mwaka huu YPM, iliongozwa na Meneja Miradi na Afisa  wa mpango wa  Kutokomeza Umaskini, Bwana Peter Jally, iliweza kutembelea vikundi vya kijamii vya huduma ndogo za kifedha vya Handeni na Kabuku (CMGs).

Katika mpango huo, YPM inahakikisha vikundi hivi vinasonga mbele kwa kuvitembela na kutatua changamoto mbalimbali zinazokumba vikundi hivyo. Uongozi kutoka Ofisi ya Vijana wa Waleta Amani umeendesha semina ya ujasiriamali, kusajili vikundi vidogo vya huduma ndogo za kifedha, na kukumbushia kuhusu sheria, kanuni na taratibu zinazoongoza  vikundi hivi. Sio hivyo tu, lakini YPM ametembelea kituo cha kompyuta cha Handeni kinachosimamiwa  na vikundi vya Handeni ili kuona  maendeleo yake.

On September 09 and 10 this year, YPM, led by Program Manager and Economic Justice Program Officer, Mr. Peter Jally, was able to visit Handeni and Kabuku Community Microfinance Groups (CMGs). In this ongoing visit, YPM ensures that, these groups move forward to reach their goals.

The officers from the Youth peacemakers Tanzania provided an entrepreneurship training, registration of the Community Microfinance Groups (CMGs), as well as reviewing the rules, regulations and procedures for running these groups. Not only that, but YPM has visited the Handeni computer center run by Handeni Community Microfinance Groups and monitoring its progress.

TIMUN 2021-Zanzibar

Youth Peace makers Tanzania has set 5 young people to participate in the Tanzania Model United Nation 2021. The aims were to provide in-depth knowledge on SDGs through sharing of ideas and views from other during the meeting, to help youth advocate for their participation in the implementation of SDGs decade of action and create a favorable and promising future for both young people and future generation.

Not only that but also, to integrate youth to the big platform where they can get exposure and grow on issues of leadership and diplomacy as they observe the rules and procedure of United Nation General assembly, to reflect on various challenges facing youth all over the word and raise voice in critical mattes not only that but also to increase knowledge and experience exchange since it connects youth from different countries in the world.

The Mkinga Stop Poverty Cup

Taasisi ya YPM imeendelea kuendesha mashindano ya Mkinga Stop Poverty Cup Football league yanayofanyika kila mwaka katika Wilaya ya Mkinga Mkoani Tanga. Mashindano haya yameleta manufaa makubwa sana katika jamii ya watu wa Mkinga kama alivyozungumza Diwani wa Kata ya Moa, “Naishukuru Taasisi ya Youth Peace Makers Tanzania kwakutuletea mashindano haya ambayo yamewafanya vijana kujihusisha kikamilifu katika shughuli za michezo na maendeleo na kupunguza vitendo vya wizi mtaani”.

YPM inafurahi kuona kwamba malengo ya kuanzisha mashindano haya ya mpira wa miguu yanafikiwa hususani kuwakomboa vijana kutoka katika wimbi la umasikini kwa kutumia vipaji vyao ilikujipatia kipato. Pamoja na hayo mashindao haya yalianzishwa ili kutokomeza vitendo vya kigaidi na kuwafanya vijana wajitambue na kukataa kutumiwa na watu wenye nia mbaya ya kuchafua amani.

Ikumbukwe Wilaya Mkinga ni moja ya Wilaya zilizopo mpakani na mara kadha kumekua kukiripotiwa uwepo wa makundi na watu wageni wenye nia mbaya yakutaka kuvuruga amani. Tunashukuru kwamba kupitia mashindano haya vijana wameweza kujitambua na kutambua nafasi zao katika jamii. Tunapenda kutoa pongezi kwa vikundi vya PeaceMakers vinavyotoa huduma ndogo za fedha katika jamii vya Kijiru na Karoyo (Comunity Microfinance Groups) ambavyo vimeshirikiana na kuandaa mashindano haya. Pia tunashukuru vijana wote, wazee na viongozi wa serikali walioshiriki katika mashindano haya.

YPM has continued to run the Mkinga Stop Poverty Cup Football league which is usually held annually at Mkinga District in Tanga Region. The competition has brought great benefits to the Mkinga community, as Moa ward Councilor said “I thank the Youth Peace Makers Tanzania orgaisation for bringing us this competition, this competition has made young people actively involved in sports and development activities and reduce acts of violence and street theft “.

YPM is pleased to see that the goals of establishing this football tournament are being achieved in particular to liberate young people from the chains of poverty by using their talents to generate income. However, the competition was launched to eradicate terrorism and to make young people aware of and refuse to be manipulated by people with malicious intent to disturb the peace.

It should be noted that, Mkinga District is one of the border districts and there have been several reports of groups and foreigners with malicious intent to disrupt the peace. We are grateful that through this competition young people have been able to identify themselves and realize their place in society.

We would like to congratulate the Peacemakers groups of Kijiru and Karoyo who provide financial services to the communities (Community Microfinance Groups) and had collaborated and organized this competition. We also thank all the young people, the elderly and government officials who participated in this competition.

Shambalai Sec Peace Club

Shambalai Sec School Peace Club

Leo taasisi ya YPM imepata nafasi kushiriki siku ya vijapaji Katika shule ya upili Shambalai nakujionea vipaji vya uimbaji, uigizaji, mitindo, skauti, nyimbo na maigizo kutoka katika klabu za amani shuleni hapo.

Nifuraha yetu kuona vijana wanatambua vipaji vyao na kuvitumia katika kuleta maendeleo binafsi na taifa kwa ujumla.

The International Youth Day

                                    MAADHIMISHO YA SIKU YA VIJANA KIMATAIFA

Siku ya vijana duniani ilianzishwa na Umoja wa Mataifa mnamo mwaka 1999 na kuidhinishwa mwaka 2000. Lengo la siku hii ni kuhamasisha uangalizi wa masuala ya kitamaduni na kisheria yanayowahusu vijana.Siku ya vijana duniani huadhimishwa kila mwaka. Tarehe 12 ya mwezi wa 8 imeidhinishwa kama fursa kwa serikali na taasisi mbalimbali zisizo za kiserikali kuwaleta vijana pamoja na kuwaongoza waweze kujadili mambo mbalimbali yanayohusu mustakabali wa Maisha yao. Maadhimisho haya huambatana na matamasha, warsha, hafla za kitamaduni, na mikutano ambayo hufanyika ulimwenguni kote nakuhusisha maafisa wa serikali kitaifa, serikali za mitaa na mashirika ya vijana.

Taasisi ya Youth peacemakers (YPM) huadhimisha kuzaliwa kwake tarehe 12 ya mwezi wa 8 kila mwaka sambamba na maadhimisho ya siku ya vijana duniani.  Katika sherehe ya kuadhimisha siku ya vijana duniani taasisi ya Youth Peace Makers iliandaa kongamano la vijana tarehe 14.08 lenye kauli mbiu ya “UIMARISHAJI WA MIFUMO YA CHAKULA KATIKA UKUAJI WA AFYA YA AKILI NA MWILI KWA VIJANA” ikiwa ni kilele cha siku hiyo ya vijana kimataifa kwa taasisi. Kongamano hilo lililohudhuriwa na vijana kutoka shule mbalimbali za sekondari zilizopo katika wilaya ya Lushoto Kama vile Shambalai, Lushoto,Ubiri na Prince Claus. Lengo la kongamano hilo ni kuhamasisha vijana kutumia vyakula vya asili katika ukuaji wa afya ya akili na mwili. Vijana hao walipata fursa ya kuwasilisha mada mbalimbali kwa njia ya maigizo, nyimbo na ushauri. Zifuatazo ni mada zilizo wasilishwa;

Umuhimu wa chakula mashuleni,Mada hii iliwasilishwa kwa njia ya igizo na wanafunzi kutoka shule ya sekondari Shambalai, ikionesha umuhimu wa wanafunzi kupata chakula wawapo mashuleni ili kuongeza ufanisisi wa wanafunzi katika masomo yao.

Kushuka kwa uzalishaji wa mazao kipindi cha uviko-19, Mada hii iliwasilishwa na wanafunzi kutoka shule ya sekondari Prince Claus ikionesha namna ambavyo Uviko-19 ulivyoathiri uzalishaji wa mazao ya chakula kuanzia ngazi ya familia hadi taifa kwa ujumla.

Kujikinga na Uviko-19, Mada hii iliwasilishwa kwanjia ya wimbo na wanafunzi kutoka shule ya sekondari Lushoto, wakizungumzia zaidi vijana kujikinga na ugonjwa hatari wa Uviko-19 ili kutunza na kuendeleza nguvu kazi ya taifa.

Umuhimu wa kula vya asili,Mada hii iliwasilishwa kwa njia ya igizo na wanafunzi kutoka shule ya sekondari Ubiri, ikionesha umuhimu wa matumizi sahihi ya vyakula. Matumizi ya kupindukia ya vyakula vitokavyo viwandani na vyakula vyenye mafuta mengi huathiri afya zetu kwa kiasi kikubwa pia hupelekea vifo kwasababu ya kemikali zitumikazo katika usindikaji wa vyakula hivyo.

                                                         The International Youth Day

World Youth Day was established by the United Nations in 1999 and was approved in 2000. The purpose of the day is to encourage the form of cultural and legal issues related to young people. World Youth Day is celebrated annually and 12th Aug is approved as opportunities for government and non-governmental orgaisations to bring young people together and guide them to discuss various issues that affect their lives. The celebrations involve concerts, workshops, cultural occasions, meetings and discussions to mention a few that are being conducted worldwide and usually attended by young people, elderly people, government officials, local authorities, youth-based organisations and community members at large.

YPM as one of youth-based organisation Tanzania which luckily got its registration on very 12th of Aug 2014 celebrated the day by gathering together young people at her head offices in Lushoto. Youth Peacemakers celebrated the International Youth Day by considering the theme of the day which is “CONSOLIDATION OF FOOD SYSTEMS IN MENTAL AND BODY HEALTH GROWTH FOR YOUNG PEOPLE” where by different government speakers, school students and volunteers cemented their discussion and presentation according to the theme.

The purpose of the event was to encourage young people to use natural foods for mental and body health growth. The young people had the opportunity to present various topics through drama and songs. The following topics were presented by different speakers during the gathering as follows;

The importance of food in School, this topic was presented through the drama by the students from Shambalai Secondary School, showing the importance of pupils to get food in schools so as to increase the activeness of their mind during studies hours.                                                                                                                   The decline in crop production duringCovid-19, This was presented by the students from Prince Claus Secondary school, showing how covid-19 affected food production from the family level to the nation level.                                                                                                                                                                    Fighting against Covid-19, this was presented through song by the students from Lushoto secondary school, leaving young people with a good message of protecting themselves from the risk of covid-19 so as to maintain and develop the national man power.                                                                                                       The importance of natural foods, this topic was presented through the drama by students from Ubiri secondary school, indicating the importance of maintaining proper eating habits. The students stressed that the excessive use of processed foods may affect young health largely, also it can cause diseases like cancer which might lead to deaths.

Finally, YPM presents gratitude to the Lushoto District Executive Director Miss. Ikupa Mwasyoge, the Lushoto District Educational officer at Primary School level, Shambalai, Lushoto, Ubiri and Prince Claus secondary school students who attended the event.

The Second Day of 3rd SADC Youth Forum

3rd SADC Youth Forum

Mkutano wa SADC unaohusisha vijana uliendelea kwa siku ya pili katika ofisi zetu za YPM Lushoto ulio hudhuriwa na vijjana 12 unaoendeshwa na Malawi kupitia mtandao wa Zoom.

Kwa siku hii ya pili vijana waliendelea kujifunza  mada zifuatazo;

 “Vyombo vya Habari na vijana” (Mchango wa vyombo vya Habari katika maendeleo endelevu ya vijana waliopo katika nchi za SADC)

 “Mchango wa vijana wa SADC katika kupambana na magonjwa ya kitropiki yasiyopewa kipaumbele (NTDS) na Malaria “(Kupanga mikakati ya kupambana na magonjwa ya kitropiko yasiyopewa kipaumbele na Malaria katika nchi za SADC)

“Jinsia na Maendeleo ya Wanawake” (Kufichua unyanyasaji wa kijinsia uliofanyika wakati wa Uviko 19 hadi sasa)

SADC meeting have proceeded with 12 YPM Youth at YPM Head Office in Lushoto which is hosted by Malawi via Zoom, in this second day of the meeting, the following topics have been addressed;

“Media and Youth round table” (Locating the role of media in sustainable Youth Development in SADC)

“SADC Youth task force on NTDs and Malaria”, (Setting a sustainable course to fight NTDs and Malaria in SADC: Call to Action)

“Gender and Women development” (Addressing gender-based violence during and post Covid-19)