Irente Primary school, which specializes in offering primary education in an inclusive setting. The school is located in the Irente village, about 3.5 km from Lushoto town. The school embraces children with different types of disabilities , ranging from those with eye defects including short sightedness and long sightedness problems, albinos, and others. They have the privilege of receiving this education here, in the fact that it could be hard for them to get this education from their natural settings (home) due to various restrains surrounding them. Irente school has a favourable environment which provide a unique atmosphere for students to do their activities including learning.
Together with headmistress madam Celina Magambo, and representative from SEKOMU and John Kunguru from YOUTH PEACE MAKERS
Understanding the role of environment awareness in the grass root level, we aimed at ensuring that the target group at this school( standard V-VII ) are well equipped with necessary knowledge of climate Change and environment pollution in general.
We started the session at 02:20 pm when a school environmental teacher Mr. Nziku introduced us to the class of 23 students comprising standard V-VII, then allow us to continue. Jackson Mboya was the first one where he started by asking the students the different between climate and weather, due to the satisfying answers he proceed by asking them again to give the meaning of climate change, the students showed to know not the concept of climate change so he start to elaborate the meaning of climate change, the causes of climate change both natural and anthropogenic, the effects and the way forward towards climate change mitigation. He also demonstrated how greenhouse gases contributes to the climate change, making use of blanket in our homes as an analogy of greenhouse gases. He winded up by welcoming Brayson Atupele to proceed.
He started by asking the students whom they wish to become when they grown up, most of the students they stated different carriers which they wish to become, then he told them that in order for them to meet their dreams they have to know their responsibilities on conserving their environment and become responsible in environmental caring, then he proceed to explain the meaning of environment, elements of environment, giving the meaning of environmental pollution, pollutants and the forms of environmental pollution on which he spent a lot of time to explain land pollution, air pollution and water pollution. Then he mention different pollutants like plastics wastes, used car tyres, broken glasses, and waste waters and he gave their harmful effects on the environment. Lastly he told the students what are the common mistakes done in our environment such as improper waste disposal, inappropriate waste burning, and irresponsible behaviour of most people concerning the environmental caring; and he suggested waste reduction at the source, reuse and recycling, and proper waste disposal as the techniques toward environmental pollution prevention and control.
We end the session at 03:50pm and left the school.
Outcome/ output
At the end of the session the students showed a good understanding as this has proven through the questions that were asked for about 15 minutes, the students actively participate on answering those questions. On of the question that was the last one to be asked was “who is responsible on environmental caring and conservation”? Where by almost all students in class raised up their hands so that they can answer it, but Richard Juma a student of standard V was selected to answer it, he answered that “every person is responsible in conserving the environment even those with disabilities they can play their part through different means like writing books, articles about environment caring”. Then we were satisfied with their responses.
Irente rainbow primary school has taken a step ahead in conserving their surrounding environment compare to other schools, as can be witnessed by different flora and fauna composition in the school environment. It is thus in the light of this statement, where efforts need to be put in place in
capacity building to the students of all level in addressing the key issues of environment pollution so that they can become good ambassadors of environment in the society.