Health Education Training
Washiriki wa Mradi wa Change wakiwa na vijana wengine wakati wa mafunzo ya Elimu ya Afya na Makuzi ya vijana yaliongozwa na Mtaalamu wa Afya kutoka katika Hospitali ya Wilaya Hai (Boma) Dr. Glory Kimario ambae pia ni kijana wa kujitolea katika ofisi za Youth Peacemakers hapa Lushoto. Dhumuni la mafunzo hayo nikuwawezesha vijana kuongeza uwelewa juu ya afya zao na kujua jinsi gani wanaweza kukabiliana na changamoto za kifya ili pia waweze kuwasaidia wengine katika jamii zao kutatua changamoto hizo.

Taifa imara linategemea vijana hivyo imara kwa vijana ndio nguvu ya maendeleo.
Mafunzo ya Elimu ya Afya.

Change Project Participants with other young people during the Health Education and Youth Growth Development training led by a Health Specialist from Hai District Hospital (Boma) Dr. Glory Kimario who is also a young volunteer at the Youth Peacemakers offices here in Lushoto. The purpose of the training is to enable young people to raise awareness about their health and to know how to cope with health challenges so that they can also help others in their community to solve these. challenges.

The power of a nation depends on the power of the young people.