Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022

Mpendwa rafiki na mshirika wa YPM, ninamshukuru Mungu kwa ajili yako kwa kupewa neema ya kufikia majira haya ya Krismasi. Ni mwaka unakamilika sio kwa nguvu zetu bali kwa huruma yake Mungu.

Ninawapongeza kwa kujituma katika majukumu mbalimbali, pamoja na changamoto ya Korona au Uviko 19 iliyoendelea mwaka 2021, bado tumeweza kushirikiana na kutimiza majukumu yetu. Ninawapa pole wale ambao waliugua, waliopoteza ndugu na kwa njia moja au nyingine waliopoteza hata mali zao katika kuhangaikia kuponya Maisha yao na ndugu zao. Kwenu wote ninapenda kusema Hongera kwa utayari, kujituma na kupambana hata kufikia siku ya leo.

Ni matumaini yangu kuwa tunapouelekea mwaka 2022 tutaendelea kusimama pamoja, kuwa na nia moja na kujitoa kwa ajili ya kutekekeleza majukumu yetu ya taaasisi.

Kwa washirika wetu – Y global na wengineo, wafanyakazi wenzangu, marafiki wa ndani na nje na kipekee watendakazi pamoja nasi katika ngazi za serikali na wananchi mmoja mmoja

Ninawatakia Sikukuu njema ya Krismasi na Heri kwa mwaka mpya wa 2022.

Amani ya Bwana Mungu iwe nanyi siku zote.

Dear friend and partner of YPM, I thank God for you for being given the grace to reach this Christmas season. It is a year that ends not by our own strength but by God’s mercy.

I commend you for your commitment to the various roles, despite the challenge of COVID-19 which continued in 2021, we have still been able to co-operate and fulfil our responsibilities. I offer my condolences to those who became ill, lost loved ones and in one way or another lost even their possessions in the pursuit of healing their Lives and their loved ones. To all of you I would like to say Congratulations on your readiness, dedication and fighting to this day.

It is my hope that as we move towards 2022 we will continue to stand together, be united and committed to fulfilling our organisation mission.

To our partners – Y global and others, my colleagues, friends inside and outside Tanzania and in unique way to the colleagues with us in government as well as fellow citizens,

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022.

May the peace of the Lord God be with you always.

Rev. Godfrey T. Walalaze

Director YPM Tanzania.