Stop Poverty Final

YPM imehitimisha mashindano ya Stop Poverty Cup Football League huko wilayani Mkinga mkoani Tanga. Mshindano haya yalipambwa na jumbe mbalimbali zikisomeka katika mabango na kuelezewa vizuri na Afisa michezo kwa maendeleo Bwana Francis Kamote. Moja ya jumbe ambazo zilisomeka kwenye mabango ni ujumbe wa kutokomeza ndoa za utotoni na mimba za utotoni ambapo ujumbe huu ulimgusa mgeni rasmi ambae alikua mwakilishi wa Mkuu wa Wilaya pamoja na Mkurugenzi wa halimashauri ya wilaya Mkinga.

Akizungunza baada ya kupewa kipaza sauti aliishukuru taasisi ya YPM kwakunzaisha mpango mzuri wa kushirikiana na jamii ya watu wa Mkinga ili kutokomeza umasikini pamoja na changamoto za ndoa za utotoni na mimba za utotoni. Aidha, aliendelea kwa kukiri kwamba changamoto hii ya mimba za utotoni na ndoa za utotoni bado inaendelea kupasua vichwa vya serikali ya Mkinga na watu wenye nia njema yakutokomeza vitendo hivyo na kwamba anaunga mkono juhudi hizi ili kuhakikisha watoto wanapata haki yao ya kupata elimu.

Baada ya hayo Meneja miradi wa YPM Bwana Peter Jally aliwahakikishia wananchi kwamba taasisi itaendeleza ushirikiano na jamii na serikali kuhakikisha vitendo kama hivyo vinatokomezwa.

YPM has concluded the Stop Poverty Cup Football League tournament at Mkinga district in Tanga region. The competition was adorned with various messages being read on the posters and well explained by the Sports for Development Officer Mr. Francis Kamote.

One of the messages that was read on the posters was a message on the eradication of Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy where the message touched the guest of honor who was a representative of the District Commissioner as well as the Executive Director of Mkinga District Council. Speaking after receiving the microphone, he thanked YPM for developing a good program to work with the Mkinga community to eradicate poverty as well as the challenges of Child Marriage and Early pregnancy.

In addition, he went on to acknowledge that the challenge of Early Pregnancy and Child Marriage still continues to blow the heads of the Mkinga government and people with good intention to eradicate such practices and that he supports these efforts to ensure children get their right to education. After that YPM Program Manager Mr. Peter Jally assured the public that the organisation will continue to work with the community and the government to ensure that such acts are eradicated.