YPM Tanzania in collaboration with other stakeholders in the community on last 28th & 29th October 2016 were at Mkinga district at Duga Maforoni ward almost 8km to Horohoro border, the border between Tanzania and Kenya in Tanga region.YPM initiated the football league which titled as STOP POVERT CUP, enhancing stop poverty campaign to community around Mkinga. The league took almost two months which are October and November.Actually, registered teams were 17 and among those it was only 11teams which confirmed to participate, whereby nine teams were from Tanzania and two teams from Kenya .Also the league offiaciated by Mkinga District Community Development Officer honourable Mr.Mfuko.

On 3rd was the final stage and the final match played with famous teams which are Horohoro Stars F.C vs Duga Maforoni F.C. Those two teams are very famous teams in Mkinga district the thing which made funs to pay tention for the final match.It was a great match which attracted and motivate more funs. A big number of people attended final that final match including leaders from both two country i.e Tanzania & Kenya. However there were entertaiments provided by YPM Art Group such as plays, songs and drama which based on giving knowledge concerning VICOBA groups as part of Stop Poverty campaign and also there was a football match for U16 boys from Kenya and Tanzania. The champion was Hororo Stars who won 2-1 over Duga Maforoni F.C in normal time.The major campaign of that league as it was titled was to provide knowledge about how to fight against poverty through joining in VICOBA groups as a means on how to minimize even not to eradicate poverty in the community.
The prizes provided on this event was as follows;
1-Tsh.250,000/- + One set of Jersey + Two balls.
2-Tsh.150,000/- + Two balls
3-Tsh.100,000/- + Two balls.
Also there were gifts provided to individuals like best goal keeping player who provided with Tsh.20,000/- and best goals scorer who provided with Tsh.20,000/-.

- To groom and promote youths by giving them opportunity to show their talents.
- Providing employment opportunities through sports activities.
- Creating unity, friendship and cooperation among people in the society.
- Fighting against HIV/AIDS and Drugs.
- Gathering young people and educate them on how to fight against poverty and advise them to join VICOBA groups.
- Introduce YPM organization and its activities to the community.
- YPM and its movement has been known beyond the border of Tanzania through the participation of team from Kenya in this league.
- Created partnerships between government officials between these two countries i.e Kenya & Tanzania at councils level.
- Helping people especially youth to avoid idle groups.
- Improvement of people healthy.
- In adequate facilities.
- Lack of professional coaches.
- Poor knowledge about laws of the game from coaches & funs which results on rejecting referees and match commissioners especially funs from Duga Maforoni team.
- Lack of public services like toilets, birth rooms and changing rooms around the ground/stadium but director spoke to government officials hope this will be solved
- Lack of other sponsors to share running costs of the league.
- Poor cooperation from the media to cover the event.
Sports and games is party and percel of human LIFE and viceversa thus why it has been said that “you can’t neglect sports activities from human life. Sports can brought happiness, minimize stress, maintain healthy, promote peace among people in the community. Through sports you can minimize and eradicate poverty by sending messages to many people during the competition through serminal and workshops about entrepreneurship o as to help people to be employed and to finally to employ others.In general sports issues are very important to humans life and it is the point where YPM includes the Sports and Games for Development in its programs on his stop poverty campaigns.