The Celebration of International Women’s Day

Tarehe 8 ya mwezi wa Tatu kila mwaka dunia husherehekea maadhimisho ya siku ya wanawake duniani. Kauli mbiu ya mwaka huu ni “Wanawake katika uongozi ni chachu ya kufikia dunia yenye usawa”. Maadhimisho ya siku hii yamewekwa mahususi ili kuweza kutathimini mipango, mikakati na sera mbalimbali ambazo zimewekwa kwaajili ya kuhakikisha haki za wanawake zinapatikana. Lakini pia kuweza kuutambua mchango wa wanawake katika kuleta maendeleo. Wanawake wamekua wakikubwa na changamoto mbalimbali hasa katika kufikia usawa wa kijinsia. Moja ya changamoto nchini Tanzania ni rushwa ya ngono wanayoiombwa wanawake wakati wakiomba kupatiwa mikopo. Katika wilaya ya Lushoto maadhimisho ya siku ya wanawake dunia yamefanyika Mtae ambapo mgeni rasimi alikua Mkurugenzi wa Halimashauri ya wilaya Lushoto mama Ikupa Mwaisiyoge.Moja ya changamoto zilizoelezwa na wanawake wa wa kijiji cha Kwasindo Mtae ni umbali wa huduma ya uzazi. Wanawake hao wamesema wanasafiri umbali wa kilometa 9 kufuata huduma ya uzazi hali inayopekekea wengi wao kujifungua wakiwa njiani.Mbali na hilo wanawake hao wamesema ni wajasiliamali na wanafanya shughuli za biashara iliwaweze kujiingizia kipato. Katika maadhimisho hayo ambayo Pia YPM ilihudhulia ilieleza jinsi inavyoutambua mchango mkubwa wa wanawake katika kuleta maendeleo. Pia wanawake wamekua mstari wa mbele katika vikundi ya PM VICOBA amabavyo vinasimamiwa na taasisi ya YPM hivyo kupitia vikundi hivyo wanawake wamekua chachu ya maendeleo katiaka familia zao na jamii kwa ujumla. Msemaji kutoka YPM Bi Lydia Mshemu alieleza kua YPM inapinga vikali unyanyasaji wa kijinsia,ndoa na mimba za utotoni kwa kuanzisha kampeni ambazo zinawaelimisha wazazi, jamii na mtoto wa kike juu ya mambo hayo yanayorudisha nyuma maendeleo. Pia aliawaasa wanawake na jamii kutokunyamaza wanapoona vitendo vyenyenia ya kuwanyanyasa na kuwanyima wanawake haki zao kwa ujumla.

On the 8th of March every year the world celebrates International Women’s Day. This year’s motto is “Women in leadership is the key to achieving a more equitable world”. The commemoration of this day has been set aside to assess the various programs, strategies and policies that have been put in place to ensure women’s rights are met. But also to be able to recognize the contribution of women in bringing about development. Women have grown up with many challenges, especially in achieving gender equality. One of the challenges in Tanzania is the sexual bribery demanded from women when they apply for loans. In Lushoto district, World Women’s Day celebrations have been held in Mtae where the official guest was the Director of Lushoto District Council, Mama Ikupa Mwaisiyoge. One of the challenge that has been addressed by Mtae Kwesindo women was traveling 9 kilometers to follow maternity care, a condition that many of them give birth on the way. However, the women also said they are entrepreneurs and are doing business so that they can earn an income to rise their families living standard but also to be able to send their kids to school. At the event, which YPM also attended, it highlighted how it recognizes the significant contribution of women in development. Women have also grown at the forefront of Peace Makers (PM) VICOBA groups which are managed by YPM so through these groups women have become the catalyst for development in their families and society as a whole. A spokesperson for YPM, Miss Lydia Mshemu, explained that YPM strongly opposes sexual abuse, early marriage and teenage pregnancy by launching campaigns that educate parents, the community and the girl child on the issues that particular issues that are holding back development. He also urged women and the community not to remain silent when they see acts with intentions of infringing women’s rights.