Jana ilikua siku njema kwa wana Msale ambao walikua wamekusanjika katika uwanja wao wa kijii cha Msale katika kata ya Hemtoye kwa shangwe na nderemo wakiwakilisha makundi yote yaliopo kwenye jamii yao ya wazee, watoto, vijana wanawake na watu wenye ulemavu wote kwa pamoja walikuwa tayari kushuhudia mtanange wa kukata na shoka wa ufunguzi wa mashindano ya Ligi ya Mpira wa Miguu katika kampeni ya “kutokomeza umaskini” yajulikanayo kama “Stop Poverty Cup Football League” ambapo zaidi ya timu kumi kutoka katika vijiji na vitongoji mbalimbali  zimethibitisha kushiriki ligi hii. Mechi ya ufunguzi ilihusisha timu ya Nyuki FC toka kijiji cha Msale vs Villa FC kutoka kijiji cha Ziga. Mechi iliisha kwa Nyuki FC kuibuka na ushindi wa goli 4 – 1 dhidi ya Villa FC.

 YPM inaendesha mashindano kama haya katika Wilaya za Mkinga na Korogwe kwa takribani miaka mitano sasa, kulingana na mafanikio yaliopatikana katika mashindano haya yanayolenga kutokomeza umaskini, kudumisha Amani katika jamii, kuhamasisha jamii kupinga ukatili wa kijinsia, ndoa na mimba za utotoni pamoja na kuinua jamii kiuchumi kupitia vikundi vya kijasiliamali na kukuza uwelewa juu ya mikopo ya halimashauri inayolenga vijana, wanawake na watu wenye ulemavu.

 Katika kuona mafanikio ya ligi hii YPM iliona vyema kuanzisha mashindano haya ili kuleta chachu ya maendeleo chanya katika Tarafa Mlalo ambapo timu shiriki zimetoka katika kata za Hemtoye.  Kilole. Kwekanga. Malindi na Malibwi. Akizungumza na watu waliokusanyika kushuhudia ufunguzi huo Meneja miradi wa YPM Mr. Peter Jally alisema ‘’Mashindano haya ni kwa ajili ya kuwaleta watu pamoja kuweza kutatua chanamoto mabalimbali zinazoikumba jamiii yao ikiwemo chagamoto za kiuchumi, kijamii kama vile kupinga vitendo viovu vinavyohatarisha Amani katika jamii bila kusahau ukatili wa kijinsia na kupinga ndoa na mimba za utotoni’’. Mgeni rasmi ambaye alikuwa ni mwenyekiti wa kijiji cha Msale Mh. Amdi Abeid amefurahishwa na ujio wa taasisi ya YPM kwa kuleta mashindano hayo kwa kusema  kuwa “Ni nafasi ya upendeleleo kwao na wanaahidi kuitumia vizuri fursa hiyo ili kusaidia vijana na jamii kuleta maendeleo binafsi na maendeleo ya Taifa kwa ujumla katika michezo’.

 Hata hivyo Afisa Mazingira na Michezo kwa maendeleo Ndg. Francis Kamote aliwaasa vijana wanaoshiriki mashindano hayo kutumia nafasi walioipata ili kuendeleza vipaji vyao maana michezo ni ajira. Alisisitiza pia utunzaji wa mazingira kwa kuwa ni suala mtambuka kwa kusema ‘’Niwaombe ndugu zangu pamoja na mambo ya michezo ambako huku tunaibua na kuendeleza vipaji na kutengeneza mazingira ya mtu kuajiliwa na kujiajiri kupitia michezo, ni lazima tukumbuke na kusimama imara katika utunzaji wa Mazingira kwakuwa suala hili ni nyeti na ni suala mtambuka. Utunzaji wa Mazingira ni suala ambalo haliepukiki. Maisha ni mazingira na mazingira ni maisha. Tunamshukuru mwenyezi Mungu ambae ametuwezesha kutusimamia na kufanikisha jambo hili’’


Yesterday was a good day for the Msale people who had gathered in their field of Msale village in Hemtoye ward with joy and excitement representing all the groups in their community the elderly, children, young women and people with disabilities were all ready to witness the match of the opening of the Football League competition in the campaign to “eradicate poverty” known as “Stop Poverty Cup Football League” where more than ten teams from various villages and neighbourhoods have confirmed to participate in this league. The opening match involved the Nyuki FC team from Msale village vs Villa FC from Ziga village. The match ended with Nyuki FC winning 4-1 against Villa FC.

 YPM has been conducting such competitions in Mkinga and Korogwe Districts for about five years now, based on the success achieved in these competitions aimed at eradicating poverty, maintaining Peace in the community, mobilizing the community to oppose gender violence,earlys marriage and early pregnancies as well as raising the community economically through entrepreneurial groups and promoting awareness on District  council loans targeting youth, women and people with disabilities.

 In seeing the success of this league, YPM thought it is good to start this competition to bring positive development in the Mlalo Division where participating teams are from Hemtoye wards, Kilole, Kwekanga,Malindi and Malibwi. Speaking to the people who gathered to witness the opening, YPM Program Manager Mr. Peter Jally said “This competition is to bring people together to solve the various challenges facing their community, including economic and social challenges such as opposing evil actions that endanger peace in society without forgetting Gender Based Violence and opposing early marriage and Early pregnancies.”. The official guest who was the Village Chairperson of Msale Hon. Amdi Abeid is pleased with the arrival of the   YPM for bringing the competition by saying that “It is a privileged opportunity for them and they promise to make good use of the opportunity to help the youth and the community to bring personal development and the development of the Nation as a whole in sports”.

 However, the Environment and Sports Development Officer Mr. Francis Kamote encouraged the young people participating in the competition to use the opportunity they had gotten to develop their talents because sports create jobs. He also stressed the care of the environment because it is a cross-cutting issue by saying “I should ask my brothers and sisters to take care of the environment while we raise and develop talents and create an environment for people to be employed and self-employed through sports, we must remember and stand firm in the care of the environment because this issue is sensitive and cross-cutting. Environmental Protection is an issue that cannot be avoided. Life is environment and environment is life. We thank the almighty God who has enabled us to manage and achieve this matter”

The following are some photos in various events at the opening of the “Stop Poverty Cup” league. Please continue to visit our website by clicking on the link for more information.