Dear Youth Peacemakers Tanzania,
YGlobal from Norway congratulate you on your anniversary. YPM is doing great work! YPM is building peace and justice in the community and in the world.
In the world today we have extreme poverty and climate change as two huge challenges. Worldwide around 20.000 children die every day as a consequence of poverty. The root cause of poverty is injustice. Rich countries are consuming too much of the world’s resources. Rich people all over the world are doing too little to create justice and peace in our world and in our communities. YPM is working to change this.
We are proud to partner with you. Youth Peacemakers create saving and investment VICOBA groups lifting people out of poverty and engaging in activities that create accountability and improved services. Youth peacemakers create sports activities for young people where we all can learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and get ideas on how to promote justice and peace in a democratic and non-violent manner. Young people from Peacemakers engage in policy dialogues with policymakers at all levels. YPM sent a competent young woman to Paris some time ago to discuss climate policies at the COP Climate Summit. YPM make sure that young people’s voices are heard and listened to by important policymakers.
We are inspired by Jesus when he says: Blessed are the Peacemakers, they shall be called children of God. We are all children of God and we are all called to be Peacemakers and active promoters of global justice.
In Norway and elsewhere young people are protesting when climate change can destroy the sustainability of nature created by God. We are called to care for our planet and for the people living in this world. We can never accept poverty, violation of human rights or degradation of our environment.
The Bible says: Let there be no hate in your heart for your brother; but you may make a protest to your neighbour, so that he may be stopped from doing evil.
The world has too much evil. We will protest and stop people from doing evil. We are part of global social movements trying to stop poverty, stop discrimination of women, stop climate change, stop pollution, and work hard for justice and peace.
We apologize for the injustice created by high-income countries. We apologize for the climate change created by high-carbon-emitting countries. Norway is among those. Let us unite to create a social movement that can stop climate change, stop poverty and make peace in our world.
We ask you please to continue the close partnership with YGlobal, the YWCA-YMCA of Norway. Thanks for receiving high numbers of volunteers and guests from Norway to Lushoto and Tanzania. Thanks for your spirit of partnership and brotherhood. Please continue to train volunteers for a global movement that can realise and implement the Global SDGs. We need a world free from poverty. Please continue working for this goal together with young people from all over the world. Nobody is free until everybody is free.
Be blessed you Young Peacemakers of Tanzania!
Warm regards
Fredrik Glad-Gjernes | Director YGLOBAL