YPM attended a public lecture prepared by the University of Arusha on the topic of youth and employment in the contemporary world held at University of Arusha. The public lecture was hosted by the University of arusha administration lead by the Vice chancellor Professor Patrick Manu. The guest speaker was Honorable Humphrey Polepole a member of the Parliament of United republic of Tanzania and a Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Administration and Local Government in the Parliament of United republic of Tanzania.
Other stakeholders from national level (Tanzania Employment Services Agency under the Prime Minister’s Office Labor, Employment, Youth and People with Disability) and reginal level (the east African Community Youth Council) attended the event.
During the presentation Mr. Humphrey Polepole urged that, in Tanzania there is a low level of unemployment estimated to 2% to 6 % but there is a high level of underemployment and this is because firstly, the education system does not allow youth to have productivity in the employment secondly poor agriculture system which employs 75% of Tanzanians and contributing to over 29% of the Growth Domestic Product thirdly, young people do not see the challenges facing the world as an opportunity to them and offer solutions through innovation ,creative thinking and lastly the Government does not fully participate in the fourth added Hon. Polepole.
Hon. Polepole further concluded that, the government shall modify the education system that will prepare well youth and provides support to the education institution so that they can produce desirable skills to meet the employment market demands. Not only that but also, the government shall participate and prepare youth effectively in the fourth industrial revolution.