YPM Peace ClubAfisa Mazingira na Utetezi wa YPM Bi. Lidya Wilson Mshemu akiambatan na vijana wanaojitolea ambao ni Ndug. Tahona Godfrey Walalaze na Ndug. Eric Daniel Godson wametembelea YPM Peace Clubs za Shule za Sekondary Price Claus, Lushoto, Ubiri pamoja na Shambalai kwaajili ya kuangalia maendeleo yao na kuona utekelezaji wa mikakati iliopangwa na Walimu walezi wa club hizo pamoja na YPM. Aidha, katika ziara hiyo Afisa Utetezi na Mazingira ameongea na wanafuzi juu ya suala zima la utunzaji wa mazingira yanayowazunguka ili kukabiliana na tatizo linaloikumba dunia ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.
YPM Peace ClubYPM Environment and Advocacy Officer Ms. Lidya Wilsoni Mshemu accompanied by young volunteers who are Ndug. Tahona Godfrey Walalaze with Ndug. Eric Daniel Godson visited the YPM Peace Clubs of Price Claus, Lushoto, Ubiri and Shambalai Secondary Schools to check on their progress and to see the implementation of the strategies planned by the club’s guardians and YPM. During the visit, the Advocacy and Environment Officer spoke to the students about the whole issue of caring for the environment around them to address the problem facing the world of climate change.